
New version 0.15.0

 — releases

New Features


Added metrics visualization for differents Participatory Spaces and Components.

  • See metrics docs
  • Added metrics visualization for Users and Proposals (all, accepted and votes) #3603
  • Added metrics visualization for Assemblies, Participatory Processes, Results (Accountability), Comments, and Meetings #4228

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Added Conferences as a Participatory Space. This module is a configurator and generator of Conference pages, understood as a collection of meetings. #3781

  • Add the new design of Uploaded Attachments to a Conference, and add the MediaLinks entity. #4285
  • Add the relationship with other spaces. Each Conference-page should potentially be related to participatory processes, consultations and assemblies. #4339
  • Apply new design for Conference Program #4271
  • Add Partners to Conference. #4251

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Participatory Texts

By participatory text we mean an ordered collection of proposals that make up a full text document. Participation in the text is through interaction with the proposals that compose it.

  • When Participatory Texts are published, the admin has the chance to update the contents of each Proposal. #4326

  • Administration panel related implementation of Participatory Texts. #4229

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Adaptative Homepage

  • Add upcoming events content block and page. #3987

  • Set max number of results in highlighted processes content block (4, 8 or 12) #4124

  • Set max number of results in highlighted assemblies content block (4, 8 or 12) #4125

  • Set max number of results in highlighted initiatives content block (4, 8 or 12) #4127

  • Add an HTML content block #4134

  • Add a "Highlighted consultations" content block #4137

  • Add activity feed content block and page. #4130


  • Show user groups profiles #4196

  • Show user groups on users profiles #4236

  • Add roles to user group memberships #4260

  • Show members on user groups profiles #4252

  • Let admins and creators edit the user group profile #4283

Improvements to existing features

Fast sign-up

  • Allow user to sign-in without confirming their email. #4269


  • Merge and split proposals #4360

  • Let admins edit official proposals from the admin. They have the same restrictions as normal users form the public area #4150


  • Add a Call to Action button to process steps #4184


  • Initiative printable form now includes the initiative type. #3938


  • Adds the followers badge. #4089

  • Adds the commented debates badge. #4089

  • Adds a Continuity badge. #4257

  • Add the Attended meetings badge #4160

  • Add a badge info page listing all the badges and how to get them. #4245

  • Badges can now be disabled per organization. #4249

  • User groups can also have badges.#4310