

The Decidim Association offers consulting services to help you install and run your instance of Decidim.


Research and creation of new forms of participation through digital technologies and hybridization of participation between analog and digital forms.


Design, development, dissemination and extension of digital participation tools that contribute to making a more democratic and participatory society.

Project management

Management of projects for initiatives related to systems of participation and democracy through digital technologies.

Promotion of participation systems

Implementation and promotion of participation systems in countries or regions with democratic deficits through international cooperation.

A team of experts at your service

The Decidim Free Software Association is a democratic association for the governance of the Decidim community.

  • Tech experts
  • Legal advisors
  • Trainers & coaches
  • International cooperation experts
Learn more about us
What do I need to install Decidim?

Installing Decidim is easy but you need some knowledge and technical requirements. See the documentation for installing Decidim.

I have many doubts, of all kinds...where can I ask them or solve them?

The best way to solve your doubts quickly is through the Metadecidim community. Enter now in the process Support Forum and see if your question exists or if it has been answered and otherwise enter to ask questions. If you can't resolve your problem in this space, maybe it's time to contact us through the contact form.

Do you support institutions?

Yes, but you have to be patient. There are a lot of institutions that want to use Decidim right now and we are helping them step by step. Contact us for any question and we will answer you as soon as possible.

What kind of members you accept into the Metadecidim community?

Anybody who has good faith and a correct attitude towards democratic collaboration.

Try Online — Play around and explore freely the Decidim platform with our online demo. Online demo